Here's what went down in the land of books this week:
First Grade:

For only our second week together, these little darlings are just trucking along! They come each Monday excited and ready to learn more about the Library. This week we read aloud a WCCPBA text, "10 Rules Of Being a Superhero" by Deb Pilutti. We brainstormed all the characteristics of a HERO and then related to our own lives and chose a personal HERO of our own! Check out our vine of some of the lovely illustrations!
First Grade Super Hero
Third Grade:
It's time to start CODE!

Well, let's say we're dipping our toes in, just for a start! This week we began our coding journey with an "unplugged" activity. Students were challenged to use "paper programming" to find the correct algorithm. (Ask your child what an algorithm means in CODE terms)! Third graders worked as teams to determine which direction our "Flurbs" (character in our coding) should travel, North, South, East or West! Up n
ext on the coding docket: "Move it Move it!", an activity where the students will write a program using spacial awareness and coding direction.
Fourth Grade:
"Tell me more, tell me more..." Yes, that's right, I want to learn more about YOU, my students! This week my Fourth grade friends finished a survey sharing their own personal interests/goals/outside of school hobbies. Thanks to my teaching partner, Ms. Arika, (credit to her for the survey questions), kiddos were able to ask burning questions of us, the Librarians! My favorite so far: "how old are you" and "what was the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten". Tough call on that one!
Fifth Grade
Continuing with our focus on digital citizenship this week, students agreed and signed our Code of Conduct. I will continue to work with our Fifth grade friends (even though we only have a precious 15-20 minutes once per week) to help support and prepare them for the opportunities and challenges of using social media as well as navigating the technology in school. Looking ahead next week: Reviewing Destiny and My Quest!
A Note From Mrs. Bethel

Hard to believe that we just finished our 4th week of school! Where does the time go? I'm excited to be working on new projects in school and at home, which tomorrow are colliding! I've had the sheer pleasure and opportunity to volunteer with the Ready Set Read program of Tacoma (through the Communities in Schools program) since last winter. Recently, I was asked to partner with the coordinator and present several STEM lessons at the Washington State Library "All Aboard Kindergarten Advisory Committee" board meeting held in Spokane. Flattered, honored and a little nervous, I'll prepare to present one special lesson I wrote supporting STEM learning for preschoolers! Stay tuned to hear how it goes!
Here's wishing you have a wonderful week!
-Mrs. Bethel
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