It's hard to believe we're already well into the month of October! The Fall weather has definitely arrived, with that, an amazingly busy and crazy few weeks ahead! Read below to catch up on Library happenings and tech tidbits!
First Graders

WCCPBA text here we go! My First Grade friends were able to enjoy an October treat and read At the Old Haunted House, written by Helen Ketteman and illustrated by Nate Wragg, This is a darling tale, full of somewhat spooky, goofy and halloweenish party fun! Last week, students tackled their first STEM integrated lesson, reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, investigating the properties of a coconut and predicting whether
Third Graders

Peter Brown is a master! Kids everywhere love his illustrations, his comedic timing and incredible way of showing emotion through color and fun drawing/sketch. This week we focused on tackling yet another WCCPBA text, "My Teacher Is A Monster" by Peter Brown! Wanting students to think a little deeper about the characters, I created an Exit Ticket asking students to consider the evolution of the relationship between the boy and his teacher. Using emotion and colors to describe, students utilized a comic strip style reflection (demonstrating the beginning, middle and end). When asking kiddos to explain evolution (in terms of story line and text), my favorite answer of the day: "a gradual change". Wow! Kids are smart, right?!?
Fourth Graders
We've got PLICKERS! This week marked the first chance to introduce Plickers to 4th Graders! For the beginning of year assessment, we are utilizing a new and innovative way to assess students. Plickers is an amazing tool that lets me collect real time formative data! Up next week, we will dig deeper and start the 4th Grade Assessment FLIP (Fourth grade Library Instruction Process).
Fifth Graders
As always, these responsible and thoughtful students are choosing amazing books and series! I'm looking forward to joining forces and combining the two classes to delve deeper into Library Media Technology, iPad APPS and CODE!
A Note From Mrs. Bethel
You're never too old to go back to school! This Thursday, I started classes in Library Media Program with Antioch University! My first class, Selections For Collections is a fantastic way to delve into the content of the program! I'm honored to be able to continue my education and professional development, and thankful to my family and colleagues who are helped encourage me!
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