While my weekly blog posting will mostly be about my current adventures teaching 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Library classes, I will also share my trials and tribulations of new goals and challenges. Because I feel as though when you put it in writing, you HAVE to do it, here are some year goals for me in the Library:
- Read as many books (kid lit) as possible
- Start CODING (teaching CODE) to my 3rd, 4th and 5th graders
- Participate in WLMA, SLJ and more professional development
- Start (really, my fingers are crossed) a Library Media Endorsement
- Read ALL the WCCPBA text
- Read MOST of the Sasquatch Awards
- Laugh (as much as possible) in the Library
- Make our Library a place where every kid (teacher and parent) wants to come visit
The list could go on and on, right?
This was our third week back in school, but first time meeting several of my classes... so happy to have seen all of the curious faces now in the Library! Here's a quick snapshot of what went down here this week:
First Grade:
I met many of my 3rd graders for the first time today. Reviewed Library policies and expectations and the current WCCPBA text for 2015-2016. Students took a look at all the titles, we've read Gaston by Kelly DiPucchio (ask your child to tell you about Fi Fi, Foo Foo, Oh La La and Gaston)!! Up next week: Superhero!
Fourth Grade:
Fifth Grade:
Although I only have a mere 15-20 minutes with my beloved 5th graders, we are jamming as much as we can into our time together. Before checking out books ranging from Wonderstruck to Non Fiction about Queen Elizabeth and the Tudors, we intro'd CODE and what our first steps would look like when we begin our Coding. 5th graders have some "Library Homework" and will be exploring the CODE website: www.code.org
A Note From Mrs. Bethel:
As always, I love sharing new books, chatting about new series or simply enjoying a good book with a cup of coffee! Come on by the Library anytime and we'll have a chat!
-Mrs. Bethel
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