Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week of February 9th

The week before a break is always fast and furious, especially with a holiday approaching.  We'll be on Mid-Winter Break as of Friday @ 3:26...kicking it off with Valentine's Day this upcoming Saturday!  At any rate, my kiddos maintained their focus and interest all day Monday (I was at a Professional Development Tuesday -- more on that later).

First Grade:
My little friends were over the moon to read yet another WCCPBA story (as we are nearing the voting deadline end of March).  "The Yuckiest Stinkiest Best Valentine Ever" is a hilarious and goofy story, with a great author's message and story.  I made sure to ask some deeper thinking questions, asking kiddos to infer while they enjoyed the silliness.  Each week I spend with my First grade friends puts a smile on my face, I love hearing their ideas, stories, point of view and (most of all) giggles!

Third Grade/Fourth Grade:
This week was our second installment of our Biography series.  Students reviewed biographies and the WCCPBA "Hoop Genius" and how to search for innovators  using one of our databases, Pebble Go!  Third and Fourth graders spent time reading and researching individuals online.  As they closed the activity, I asked them to complete an Exit Ticket sharing how this innovator is worthy of a biography and how they felt after learning more about his/her life.  When we return from break, kids will get a chance to incorporate the 21st century and a special historical innovator!

Professional Development:
I was lucky to participate in a locale PD (thanks to my principal, school and district) on Tuesday.  The presenter was fantastic, kept a great pace and had great enthusiasm for using technology in the Library!  I am walking away with several (ok, more than a DOZEN) new ideas, apps, tools and websites to implement as a Teacher Librarian.  I'm really excited to bring this back to school and show my students!   One of my favorite "techie" tool that I love to create and use is a QR code.   For those of you reading my blog, let's see if this QR code works:
(It's a link to the ALA Youth Media Awards just recently announced).  Using an app like 'Qrafter' will help you scan any QR code!  

Enjoy Valentine's Day!
-Mrs. Bethel

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