Tuesday, June 16, 2015


It's the last official week of school, and it's bittersweet.  All the students are thrilled summer is almost at the front door, but sad they won't be able to check out books from the Library until next fall.  I was gearing up to host some sort of Library activity that involved a variety of mish mash - but I realized on my commute into work Monday morning, there was something much better I could plan!

There, in rush hour traffic, listening to Sports Radio with my hubby, I wrote the US Open Trivia Research lesson for my 3rd and 4th Graders.  This is a momentous occasion for the NW as it hosts the 115th US Open for Golf!  I happen to live a mere 10 minutes away from the course, and my hometown pride is coming out full force!  What better way to tie in the end of year/research/digital citizenship lessons than this?  I whipped up a few questions knowing my students would need to practice skills of key-word searching and scanning text online.  Overall, it was a hit!  I think we even might have a few new golf enthusiasts interested in researching and learning more (disclaimer:  I am personally a horrific golfer, and it's not even my sport of choice)!

Fourth Graders were able to finalize their digital safety tips by using the app:  Chatterpix (kids).  A few weeks ago, students drafted safety tips with other students as their audience.  They rehearsed with partners and edited to make their tip smooth and clear.  Today, kids recorded a safety tip suggestion and created their own masterpiece!  Try downloading this app - it's FREE!

Our local public library has revealed the theme for the Summer Reading Program!  This year, they've delved deeper into the STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art and Math).   We are encouraging students to work toward setting reading goals as well as choosing a STREAM activity to complete along with the summer learning.

As we near the end of the year, I'm grateful for many things.  Mostly, to have had this incredible opportunity to stretch myself professional and become a Librarian.    I'm excited to learn more about this craft and amazing job!  A huge thank you to my teaching peer - Ms. Arika!  I appreciate her advice and camaraderie  and hope to contribute in the same way!   Also, a shout out to the lovely parent volunteers, without you...I couldn't function!

Here's to a lovely summer full of ice cold treats, sunny days, playing outside and loads of READING!

Mrs. Bethel

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Week of June 8th

Time flies when you're having fun in the Library!  I'm absolutely SHOCKED with how fast these last few weeks have gone by.  I will see my students only one more time before the end of the year, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that!  This week proved to be just as busy as the last full of digital passport, online citizenship, learning about a new app and researching online, the Women's World Cup 2015!

First Grade:
My students were busy practicing their keyword searches using the Common Core suggested "Game Up"
from Brain Pop!  Students worked to find the perfect three words to properly search for a specific question or subject matter using "Search Shark".  Parents...listen up!  Your kiddos will probably want some screen time this summer after spending time outside and in the sun.  If your children are like mine, they will need some sort of break, why not look into the Brain Pop app on your hand held device?  It's educational and we have a membership through the school.  Come see Mrs. Bethel if you have any questions!  I will also send a list of summer friendly activities and apps to try in my last blog post of the year!

Third Grade & Fourth Grade:
How do you know it's the end of school?  The kids are definitely one indication!!  Third and Fourth Grade students worked quite hard to stay focused and on task during our second to last Library session.  Fourth graders navigated the fifa website (www.fifa.com) to learn more about the Women's World Cup taking place in Canada.  Given several guided questions they were required to dig deeper into this online tool to find the right information.  We also discussed a new APP to use next week (fingers crossed we have the right technology available)!! A shout out to Ms. Arika for sharing this awesome tool!   I demo'd this last night with my own kiddos and they couldn't get enough of it:  Check out "Chatterpix" or Chatterkids. It's quick, easy, kid friendly and best of all....you got it:  FREE!!!!!  What parent doesn't love that?  Next week, Fourth graders will film, record, edit and share digital tips using this new APP!

Community Volunteer Breakfast:  A huge thank you to the dedicated volunteers who make our school run so smoothly!  As a librarian, I couldn't do my job without your tireless efforts and year round support.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring so much for your children, your school and your library!

Enjoy a sunny week!  Here's to the last few days of school!
-Mrs. Bethel