The week before a break is always fast and furious, especially with a holiday approaching. We'll be on Mid-Winter Break as of Friday @ 3:26...kicking it off with Valentine's Day this upcoming Saturday! At any rate, my kiddos maintained their focus and interest all day Monday (I was at a Professional Development Tuesday -- more on that later).
First Grade:
My little friends were over the moon to read yet another WCCPBA story (as we are nearing the voting deadline end of March). "The Yuckiest Stinkiest Best Valentine Ever" is a hilarious and goofy story, with a great author's message and story. I made sure to ask some deeper thinking questions, asking kiddos to infer while they enjoyed the silliness. Each week I spend with my First grade friends puts a smile on my face, I love hearing their ideas, stories, point of view and (most of all) giggles!
Third Grade/Fourth Grade:
Professional Development:
I was lucky to participate in a locale PD (thanks to my principal, school and district) on Tuesday. The presenter was fantastic, kept a great pace and had great enthusiasm for using technology in the Library! I am walking away with several (ok, more than a DOZEN) new ideas, apps, tools and websites to implement as a Teacher Librarian. I'm really excited to bring this back to school and show my students! One of my favorite "techie" tool that I love to create and use is a QR code. For those of you reading my blog, let's see if this QR code works:
(It's a link to the ALA Youth Media Awards just recently announced). Using an app like 'Qrafter' will help you scan any QR code!
Enjoy Valentine's Day!
-Mrs. Bethel
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