Yet another week has flown by here in the Library. I'm desperately trying NOT to panic as we enter into the last few weeks of school. It seems this happens every year...a mad rush to the finish. Informal assessments, tools, measurement and lessons all come together as we gear up for the minimal weeks we have left together. For some classes, I will only see them six more times (eek!) and I'm not quite ready for that. I've created a short list of goals/objectives (perhaps more like hopes/dreams) for the end of school and what I'd love my students to begin their summers with:
I want to ensure that every child has
- Access to a library or some sort of program to check out books
- An idea of books they want to read over the summer
- A cozy or special place to hunker down with a good book
- The skills to find new books (where to look online, how to locate a non-fiction book or search by title, author or genre)
- A love for reading
Yes, some of these are lofty and perhaps unattainable for each and every kiddo, but a Librarian can dream, right? What are some of your summer goals for your child? For your students?
Have a great week!
-Mrs. Bethel